Multiple discrimination

Let´s Make the Invisible Visible

Why are we doing this?

As new waves of immigration into the EU are imminent and as we can see in the current corona crisis in which multiple discriminated women are primarily vulnerable, the issue of multiple discriminated women in the EU will remain on the political agenda for quite some time and may even grow in its importance.

However standard tools of our educational system do not seem to have brought expected results so far.

Instead such standard educational methods in combination with social services appear to perpetuate the status quo of vulnerable groups and also difficulties they face in life. Innovative ways of education and counselling have to be sought for this particular target group.

International team of the project "Let's Make the Invisible Visible" at the project meeting in Prešov, Slovakia.
International team of the project "Let's Make the Invisible Visible" at the project meeting in Prešov, Slovakia.

Let's Make the Invisible Visible is a three-year international project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The project involves 5 organisations:

  • GIC NORA (Czech Republic)
  • Peregrina (Austria),
  • TRANSFER Slovensko (Slovakia),
  • Fundacja Kobieca - eFKa (Poland)
  • Romanian Center for European Policies - CRPE (Romania)

Project objectives

Develope methods for working with vulnerable groups of women in adult education and counselling.

Though gender equality was enshrined in the founding treaties of the European Economic Communities in 1957, gender equality de facto is far from being achieved. Women in general are still being discriminated against in an EU context. There are numerous groups of women who are discriminated against on multiple grounds such as their ethnicity, migrant status or age.

Project duration: 1 September 2020 - 31 August 2023


The project "Let's Make the Invisible Visible" was successfully completed in August 2023 together with our partner organisations from Austria, Poland, Slovakia and Romania.

Thanks to the financial support of the Erasmus+ programme, we managed to achieve all the outcomes we set out to achieve.

1) Handbook on innovative techniques to be used in adult education and counselling of multiple discriminated women

We have published a Handbook on innovative techniques to be used in adult education and counselling of multiple discriminated women in six languages, both in printed and electronic version. English version can be downloaded below:

2) Webinars on innovative drama methods and coaching techniques to be used in adult education and counselling

The webinar on the Theatre of the Oppressed as a practical tool for working with vulnerable groups of people was produced in cooperation with Eva Krajčovičová, a graduate of Dramatic Education at Palacký University in Olomouc.

(English subtitles can be switched on)

Other webinars produced by the project partners that present some of the innovative methods and coaching techniques for use in adult education and counselling can be found at the following links:




TRANSFER Slovensko: 

3) Video CV of role models

A biographical video with Dominika, who can serve as a role model for other people who, like Dominika, find themselves in a difficult life situation.

(English subtitles can be switched on)

Other biographical videos produced as part of the project can be found at the following links. Each partner organisation has identified one woman from their target group who could serve as a role model for the others.




TRANSFER Slovensko: 

4) Conference "Making the Invisible Visible"

The conference was held on 17 August 2023 in the premises of Open Gardens in Brno. At the conference we introduced the project, handed out printed Handbooks and screened video outputs. In addition, we also had 5 speakers at our conference, whose presentations and workshops directly touched on the theme and target groups of the project.