Gender audit
Implement modern human resources
1. motivated employees
2. a fair environment
3. increase the exclusivity of your company
The key areas targeted by the gender audit:
• Reconciliation of personal (family) and working life
• Maternity and parental leave management
• Recruitment and dismissal of employees
• Career growth, further development and education
• Remuneration and benefits composition
• Representation of women and men in employment
• Communication and relationships at the workplace
You will receive
1. Feedback about your company's internal processes.
2. Statistics and graphs that tell you about the weaknesses and strengths of your company.
3. Tailor-made recommendations for your company's needs.
We use the Methodology of the Gender Audit Standard (Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, March 2016)
The aim
The aim is to provide feedback and formulate suggestions for possible improvements in working conditions so as to ensure as much as possible equality of opportunity, fair dealing with employees and enable individuals harmonization of work and personal life.
1) SC&C Partner, spol. s r.o. - Vilém Patloka, managing director
2) CEITEC MU - Ing. Eliška Handlířová, vedoucí kanceláře ředitele
3) Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s. - Ing. Marcela Bradová
4) MŠ Dráček - MgA. Kateřina Kelarová
Some of the resulting graphs:
Doporučil/a byste společnost "XY" svým přátelům jako dobrého zaměstnavatele?

The gender audit is carried out by a team of experienced experts and professionals who are present in the workplace within a few days. In practice, therefore, implementation does not imply a significant amount of time, data analysis is mainly external.
Some of the Gender Audit Recommendations:
"Introduce MDK and RD management elements into the personal processes, which can, among other things, support employee satisfaction, reduce adaptation or recruitment expenses."
"Provide more open feedback (both positive and negative) when communicating with the company." To strengthen the openness of communication channels in the company, take advantage of team supervision, team-building activities, or individual coaching. "
Some of the company targets:
"... the goals of today's organization's leadership are undoubtedly the satisfaction of their own employees and their possibly low fluctuations."