Mgr. Dagmar Matulíková
Gender expert
She holds a Master's degree in Gender Studies from Charles University in Prague. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno in Gender Studies and Media Studies and Journalism. She has been working at GIC NORA since 2020 and is involved in the implementation of gender audits and international projects focused on people facing social disadvantage, she is a workshop facilitator and her agenda also includes the public presentation of GIC NORA on social media.

Mgr. et Mgr. Tamara Jačisko Nasri
Gender expert
She holds a master's degree in Sociology and Religious Studies from Masaryk University. During her studies she focused on social disadvantage and prejudice especially in the context of cultural, racial or ethnic minorities as well as in the context of migration and integration in general. She has been working at GIC NORA since 2022 and is involved in the implementation of international and domestic projects primarily focused on education, intersectionality, social disadvantage and prevention of gender-based violence.

Mgr. Tomáš Paul, Ph.D.
He is an anthropologist who is involved
in qualitative research at GIC NORA, working on both international and
domestic projects and collaborating on the implementation of gender
audits in their qualitative and quantitative aspects. Tomáš is also a
research fellow at the Department of Sociology at Masaryk University,
where he works on a project focused on the phenomenology of traffic
accidents and our everyday mobility, whether by car or on foot.

Mgr. Anastasia Blokhina
Gender expert
She holds a Master's degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University, in addition to a Bachelor's degree in Gender Studies and Social Anthropology from the same institution. Currently, she is involved in project implementation at GIC NORA, where her work focuses on intersectionality and aims to empower marginalized groups.

Tatiana Petríkovič, MSc.
Gender expert
She is a seasoned consultant and researcher specializing in
women's economic empowerment and gender equality in the labour market.
She has designed and evaluated development projects in Eastern Europe
and the Middle East and has collaborated with international
organizations such as the Center for International Private Enterprise
and the United Nations Development Programme.
Tatiana holds a BA in
Law and Business Management, and an MSc in Project Management, and is
currently pursuing her doctoral studies at the University of
Gloucestershire. Her PhD research focuses on the economic emancipation
of women in V4 countries through entrepreneurship. Her expertise
includes analytical skills, data analysis, and grant writing.

PhDr. Arnošt Svoboda, Ph.D.
External analytic
Je odborným asistentem na Katedře sociálních věd v kinantropologii, Fakulty tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Vyučuje zde obecnou sociologii, sociologii sportu a zároveň metody sociálního výzkumu. Mezi jeho odborné zájmy patří zejména studium rozdílů mezi tradičními a lifestylovými sporty a aktivity v oblasti sportu a rozvoje. Má zkušenost s realizací kvalitativního i kvantitativního výzkumu, ať už v organizacích (spolupráce na genderových auditech), mezi sportovními aktéry nebo formou evaluačního výzkumu sportovních akcí.
We meet, discuss, invent, plan and implement projects that deal with inequality based on:
social class
sexual orientation
"We are a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based on the values of feminism." - Nora